There are many benefits to having children help around the home. Giving children chores can make them feel important, teach essential life skills, and help ease the workload for parents. Studies have found that providing children with tasks to complete early on will help create a solid work ethic while developing responsibility, self-reliance, and other vital life skills. Children are capable of handling much more than some people may first ...

Anger and frustration are universal human emotions, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a victim of negative feelings. As adults, we have an obligation to our family and ourselves to avoid allowing our emotions from getting the best of us. Let’s face it. Parenting is tough! When you simply want to pee alone or take a shower for more than two minutes without hearing little footsteps outside the ...

How many times has someone told you to “take a hike”? Chances are they weren’t concerned with your cardiovascular health. When it comes to getting healthy and spending time together as a family, going for a hike is a great option, and with leaves beginning to change colors, and the long holiday weekend right around the corner, this is one of the best times of the year to take a ...

It’s that time of year again when we take time to reassess where we are in our lives and based on that assessment, make what we refer to as New Year’s resolutions. In most households, the holidays are filled with lots of activity and don’t leave much time for thoughtful reflection, so your resolutions are probably made in the spur of the moment on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s ...

The first contact with your child’s teacher, in many ways, is the most important, This is the time you are building rapport and developing a relationship of trust. Therefore, an appropriate time and setting are important for the first brief encounter. A phone call, a note, or, best of all, an initial face-to-face meeting is best. A good time to contact your child’s teacher is during the first week. This ...

Parents are the first “language models” for children. The language children use is modelled, or based, on what they hear from their parents. Parents need to create an environment that enriches what a child hears. The words they hear, they will use with encouragement. To start, take a look for a moment at the words you use and how you use them, Children, who repeatedly hear, “I seen it” will ...

Are you a parent suddenly thrust into the role of teacher while homeschooling during the Coronavirus shutdown? It’s not easy, this sudden change of roles from educational advisor and helper for the kids to becoming their primary source of learning. Of course, they’ll be learning from many sources, many of them online, so a big part of what we’re here to help you with is how to manage screen time ...

Many kids are now home for possibly weeks due to school closures to help slow down the spread of the Coronavirus outbreak. In some locals, families are being asked to stay in their homes for several weeks, with only a few allowable options for occasionally getting out. All of us are a bit anxious, and probably even after a couple of days of staying in the home, start suffering from ...

The term “sibling” refers to children who are related and living in the same family. Sibling rivalry has occurred as long as families have existed. Think back to biblical times and Joseph’s problems with his brothers or of Disney’s “Cinderella” and the dreadful experience she had with her step-sisters! It seems strange that whenever the word “sibling” comes up, “rivalry” seems sure to follow, despite the fact that there are ...

Several recent articles in scientific journals point to the wide range of significant effects that learning and listening to music has on the brain development of children and adolescents. Other studies reveal that when parents share musical experiences with children and teens, including listening and/or dancing to music, as well as singing songs together, it has a positive effect on parent-child relationships. Music’s Effects on Brain Development Based on the ...